Finally - We can spill the beans!
If you're anything like me, then secret keeping is not your forte... ESPECIALLY when it's a really reeeally good secret. So after many months of torture keeping our lips sealed, we are so excited to announce that The Merc is getting a new home!
Two thousand-seventeen was a busy year for your Merc Squad. We've renovated our existing suite, rebranded, diversified our product offering, expanded to new vendors and dealers, and kept up continuous redesigns to keep the space looking fresh! We have so many plans & aspirations for where this business can go, we often times find it difficult to prioritize which project to tackle first! However (as I'm sure you know) with growth, comes growing pains. We have quickly outgrown our space, and have been looking for some space to stretch our legs.
In early 2017, we acquired The Suite at 109 West Main Street and one of our biggest dreams was finally coming true! A blank slate, built to suit, and right next to our friends at The Perc - does it get any better than that? We grabbed lunch to celebrate (our go-to, Olive Garden of course) and thought "so, what now?". Then the real work began... We brainstormed, cosulted, drafted, altered, and drafted again (with the patience of the world's best architect - my main man Bill) until we had finally come to the perfect plans for our space! We’re starting with an industrial palette with stained concrete floors and original brick, softened with white vintage tin ceiling tiles and crystal chandeliers! And that's just the beginning!
Demolition began in October of this year and we hope for the project to be complete in late 2018! Keep following the blog for updates on construction progress. We are so excited to share this experience with everyone! Thank you for all the love & support - none of this would be possible without you!
Until next time -
Merc Squad